Kern River Valley

Historical Society


With its modest beginning in 1967, the Kern River Valley Historical Society has continually grown in membership and responsibility as caretakers of Kern River Valley culture and heritage. The KRVHS is a non profit group of caring members and dedicated volunteers who devote hundreds of hours to collecting, preserving and presenting the areas precious treasures through time.

Among the many properties in its keeping, KRVHS also acts as the management, maintenance & supporting force for Kern Valley Museum and the Historical Society's Research Annex.

The Museum houses spectacular displays interpreting the rich and complex social, cultural and economic history of the Kern River Valley are offered to visitors without charge.

The Research Annex houses a massive collection of books, documents, art, photographs and other items of interest to researchers and genealogists. Through its exhibits, publications, and programs, we may trace who and what we are, how we achieved our distinct identity, and what unique contributions we make to the region and state.

We are continually striving to preserve and disseminate the history of the Kern River Valley. At our Museum, we construct displays that depict the various aspects of our history including pre-history, the Gold Rush, our Native Americans, movies made in the valley, the Forest Service, Hydroelectric power, and many more topics. We have recently added a display on the history of recreation in the valley, and a display on local cowboys and ranchers. 

Board of Directors
Position Officer
President John Newman
Immediate Past President Linda Kubisiak
Vice President Facilities Ron Benson
Vice President Education OPEN
Corresponding Secretary Kathleen Creighton-Fuchs
Recording Secretary OPEN
Treasurer Donni Higgins
Curator / Archivist Dianna Anderson
Director / Assistant Curator OPEN
Director / Asst. Archivist / Finance Gene Verbeet
Director / Membership Melody Batelaan
Director / Publicity Ron Anderson
Director / Country Store JoAnne Johnson
Treasurer / Country Store Donni Higgins
Director / Social Chairperson Noreen Barnier
Director / Programs OPEN
Director / Historian / Field Trips CharlAnn Gregory
Director / Technology Chairperson Harry Schustz
Director / Docent Chairperson Marji Bothwell
Director / Media Chairperson Michael Batelaan
Director / Insurance Chairperson OPEN
Director Don Chapman
Director Tom McKinney
Non-Voting Chairpersons
Position Officer
Saddlebag Editor Teri Verbeet
Museum Webmaster William Box 
Docent Coordinator (Master Calendar) Luz Polcik
Docent Coordinator (Substitutions) Vicki Middleworth
History Talks Linda Adams